31 Oct 2022

End Date


Max. Rewards

≈ 5,000 USD

Estimated Value

Airdrop Description

Ghost Protocol Token (GPT) based on POLYGON focuses on decentralized adoption of cryptocurrencies. through community-driven projects, the team believes that GPT is relevant in the DeFi market, competition, solutions, business advantages. over time, the vision will be expanded and plan to have a bigger impact in the market.


1. Follow @GPTreal Like,

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3. Join Channels https://t.me/GPTreal

4. Comment with hastag #ghostprotocoltoken #NFTgpt


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Ghost Protocol Token (GPT) based on POLYGON focuses on decentralized adoption of cryptocurrencies. through community-driven projects, the team believes that GPT is relevant in the DeFi market, competition, solutions, business advantages. over time, the vision will be expanded and plan to have a bigger impact in the market.