
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “I will transfer the entire US budget to blockchain”

A unique independent candidate running for president of the United States, Robert Kennedy Jr., has made a groundbreaking promise to his voters. He plans to revolutionize the country’s state budget process by transitioning all financial transactions onto blockchain technology. By adopting this innovative approach, Kennedy believes that greater transparency and accountability of expenses can be achieved.

During a campaign rally in Michigan, Kennedy captivated the audience with his announcement that if elected, each and every American citizen would be able to access and scrutinize any item within the budget. In his own words, “I will move the entire US budget to blockchain and we will have 300 million budget watchers. If someone spends $16,000 on a toilet seat, everyone will know about it!” This bold move is aimed at ensuring that taxpayers are fully aware of where their hard-earned money is being allocated and spent.

Kennedy firmly believes that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have the potential to empower citizens and keep the United States at the forefront of innovation. His support for Bitcoin further emphasizes his stance on taking financial control away from the government and the monopolistic banking system, thus preserving the financial freedom of American citizens.