
Argentina crypto group plans to set up a blockchain valley in Buenos Aires

Argentina’s crypto community is planning to establish a blockchain valley in Buenos Aires as part of the Crecimiento movement, which has a dedicated following of 500 individuals. The group is comprised of prominent figures in the country’s crypto ecosystem, including Diego Guitérrez, co-founder of Bitcoin Layer 2 Rootstock, Marcelo Cavazzoli, CEO and co-founder of Lemon Cash, a leading crypto purchasing app in Latin America, and Elian Alvarez, a general partner at Ripio Ventures. The core team of Crecimiento also enjoys the support of advisors to the country’s new libertarian president, Javier Milei.

The Crecimiento movement aims to create a hub for crypto and technology-focused businesses in the capital, providing them with a comprehensive plan for growth. Their objectives include onboarding 5 to 10 million people onto the blockchain by offering exclusive incentives, fostering the growth of tech startups in the country, and supporting them where necessary. The group seeks to collaborate with Argentina’s crypto-friendly government to promote the cryptocurrency sector by introducing initiatives such as tax rebates, industry investment, and simplified regulations.

Although President Milei has highlighted the benefits of Bitcoin during his campaign, no official statements have been released on the matter. However, the Crecimiento movement has actively engaged with relevant officials to establish their crypto center in Buenos Aires. According to Maria Milagros Santamaria, a lawyer for Web3, regulators have expressed a positive attitude towards the proposal and are requesting specific proposals to move forward. There are a small number of individuals who oppose the initiative, but their numbers remain insignificant, according to Santamaria.