
Bank of Spain approves eToro’s registration as a crypto service provider

  • The eToro trading platform has received registration from the Bank of Spain.
  • The company has been listed in the Registry of Virtual Asset Service Providers.
  • Blockchain and cryptography support remain a priority for eToro.

The Central Bank of Spain has approved eToro’s registration as a service provider. The online trading platform has been authorized to exchange digital currencies for fiat, as well as e-wallet services, Finextra reports.

EToro (Europe) Digital Assets Ltd. has been listed on the Registry of Virtual Asset Service Providers under code number D848, Fintech Finance News clarifies. The trading platform previously announced a passive investor portfolio consisting of stocks from 40 leading fintech companies.

In April 2023, eToro partnered with Twitter. The partnership plans to introduce financial analytics, as well as buying stocks and cryptocurrencies right on the social network’s website.

In July, Twitter took a step closer to introducing payments by getting licensed in three states – Missouri, Michigan and New Hampshire. Ilon Musk has repeatedly said he wants to turn Twitter into a “universal app for everything.”

The trading platform eToro went global in 2007. In March 2023, it received $250 million in funding at an estimated $3.5 billion. Today, the company serves more than 30 million customers in the U.S., Asia and Europe. It manages assets totaling $5.8 billion, among which cryptocurrency accounts for 19%.

It manages a total of $5.8 billion in assets, of which 19% is cryptocurrency.