
Base Announces the Implementation of the Multi-Chain Prep Update

Base, a well-known Ethereum L2 chain, has made an exciting announcement regarding their latest update. The company has successfully implemented the Multi-Chain Prep update, taking them one step closer to establishing a Superchain with interoperability. This significant milestone was shared with the public on their official social media account on X.

The Multi-Chain Prep upgrade allows all chains that have completed the update to run the same code, ensuring consistent upgrades and strengthening security. Base tweeted about the implementation, stating, “Today, we implemented the Multi-Chain Prep upgrade that takes us one step closer to an interoperable Superchain. Chains that have completed this upgrade will all run the same code under the hood, enabling consistent upgrades and strengthening security.”

In a recent blog post, Base revealed the outcome of this initiative and highlighted the chains that have successfully completed the upgrade. By operating the same code, these chains can benefit from continuous upgrades and enhanced security measures. The upgrade proposal, created by the Optimism Foundation, focuses on improving the upgradability and security of the Superchain. It allows L1 contracts to upgrade across multiple chains with just one transaction, streamlining the deployment and upgrade processes.

This upgrade also expands the SystemConfig to include contract addresses in the network, providing developers with a better understanding of the system. In the event of a critical security issue, Base will work closely with its community to communicate and abort the upgrade if necessary. Additionally, the upgrade offers atomic upgrades across the chains, minimizing potential exploitation risks.

Base’s implementation of the Multi-Chain Prep update marks a significant step forward in creating a Superchain with interoperability. With consistent upgrades and strengthened security measures, Base continues to provide a cost-effective, secure, and developer-friendly environment for on-chain development on their Ethereum L2 chain.