
Blockchain system for transport tickets developed by UK experts

Blockchain technology has found a new application in the development of a transport ticketing system by experts at the University of Birmingham (UOB) in the United Kingdom. The System for Ticketing Ubiquity within Blockchains (STUB) solution, created by the UOB team, combines blockchain and ontology to create a robust and transparent data structure for ticketing. While blockchain is used for selling and validating tokenized tickets, ontology allows transport providers to capture and share information about the network, including routes, schedules, and availability. This innovative solution aims to offer passengers a more user-friendly experience by enabling transparent and flexible ticketing operations. The next step for the project is to establish a pilot scheme in a regional transport network to test the system and gather feedback from passengers and ticket operators. As blockchain technology continues to find new use cases beyond payments, initiatives like the UOB STUB ticketing system are likely to emerge, showcasing the potential of blockchain in various industries.