
Charles Hoskinson Criticizes Media’s Unfair Coverage of Cardano

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has expressed frustration at what he sees as biased media coverage of the blockchain network. In a recent statement, Hoskinson highlighted the disparity between Cardano’s capabilities and its public perception. Despite significant progress and upcoming milestones, Cardano continues to be depicted as a failure by media outlets and crypto influencers. Hoskinson criticized this narrative, emphasizing recent ecosystem advancements, including an imminent hard fork, and asserting Cardano’s ability to thrive and provide real-world solutions. In response to this perceived bias, Hoskinson is considering the creation of a not-for-profit media decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to ensure fair reporting within the crypto industry. He initiated a poll to gauge community support for funding the DAO using the Cardano Treasury, with an overwhelming 70% in favor. This is not the first time Hoskinson has addressed Cardano’s critics, as the blockchain has faced scrutiny for not meeting expectations compared to its peers. However, Cardano continues to make significant technological advancements, lead in scaling research and development, and forge partnerships for crypto adoption. The upcoming major hard fork in the second half of 2024 and the growing number of projects built on the blockchain demonstrate Cardano’s progress and potential.