
Cronos Labs launched a test network based on ZK Stack

  • Cronos Labs developers announced the launch of a test version of the Cronos zkEVM network.
  • This is the first public network to use the ZK Stack software package.
  • The launch of the Cronos zkEVM mainnet is scheduled for the second quarter of 2024.

The Cronos Labs team announced the launch of a test version of the Cronos zkEVM L2 protocol.

As the developers noted, the test version of Cronos zkEVM is based on Matter Labs solutions designed for deploying second- and third-level blockchains. According to the press release, this is the first public network to use the ZK Stack. The OKX cryptocurrency exchange is also working on the creation of the L2 protocol.

Cronos Labs is an official partner of the crypto exchange The Cronos network is among the top 20 blockchains in terms of the number of funds locked in smart contracts (TVL) with $361.2 million, according to DeFiLlama.

In September 2023, Cronos Labs allocated $100 million for an acceleration program for blockchain projects.