
FBI Warns of Crypto Scams in Fake Work-From-Home Jobs

FBI Alert: Beware of Cryptocurrency Scams in Phony Remote Jobs

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently issued a warning regarding a sharp increase in cryptocurrency-related fraud related to fake work-from-home opportunities. In these schemes, scammers pose as legitimate companies and entice victims with seemingly easy tasks, such as clicking buttons or rating services. They promise payment through complex and deceptive compensation systems based on cryptocurrencies.

Unsuspecting individuals are led to believe that they can unlock additional earnings or access profits by making cryptocurrency payments, which are then channeled directly into the scammers’ pockets. To combat this trend, the FBI strongly advises against making any form of cryptocurrency payment in relation to employment offers.

If you have fallen victim to such scams, the FBI urges you to report the incident to their Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). By doing so, you can assist in their ongoing efforts to crack down on these fraudulent activities and safeguard others from becoming victims.