
Linkd Academy releases JavaScript SDK for the Neo Name Service

Linkd Academy has announced the release of a unique JavaScript SDK specifically designed for the Neo Name Service (NeoNS). This new SDK from Linkd Academy aims to streamline the integration of human-readable names into applications that are built on the Neo blockchain.

The JavaScript SDK includes a client class that enables basic operations and a transaction builder that facilitates the construction of more complex NeoNS interactions. Its main functionalities consist of helping developers register and renew names, as well as manage and resolve records within the Neo Name Service.

To make it easily accessible, the package can be installed through NPM, and an example of its usage is provided in the official announcement. Linkd Academy has taken the step of open-sourcing the SDK on its GitHub repository, allowing developers to not only access and use the code but also modify and contribute to its development. For further assistance, the team encourages developers to provide feedback and seek integration support via their official Discord server.

For further details, the original announcement can be accessed via the following link: