
Mercedes-Benz to Put AI in Its Assembly Line Robots

Mercedes-Benz has formed a partnership with AI developer Apptronik to incorporate artificial intelligence into its assembly line robots. This collaboration marks Apptronik’s first commercial contract in the real world and automotive industry, following its establishment in 2016 as a spin-off from the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of Texas at Austin. The aim is to utilize Apptronik’s Apollo robots, which possess humanoid characteristics and capabilities, to automate physically demanding and repetitive manual labor tasks. Mercedes-Benz will be able to deploy these robots in existing factory spaces without the need for extensive redesign. While the integration of AI in industries raises concerns about job displacement, Mercedes-Benz sees this partnership as a pilot project to assess the potential impact and explore new possibilities in robotics and automotive manufacturing. The collaboration highlights the growing presence and significance of AI-powered humanoid robots in various sectors.