
‘Millions Affected’- Bitcoin Ransomware Attackers Leak Venezuelan Mobile Carrier Data

‘Millions Impacted’- Bitcoin Ransomware Attackers Expose Venezuelan Mobile Carrier Data

A Bitcoin ransomware group has reportedly leaked “sensitive data” belonging to millions of Digitel customers, a Venezuelan mobile carrier. The attack, carried out by the MedusaBlog hacking group, occurred on February 2 when they gained control of the company’s data. The attackers demanded a $5 million ransom in Bitcoin, giving the company one week to comply. The data breach allegedly includes employee information, financial documents, reports, invoices, contracts, subscriber agreements, and personal data of citizens. Experts speculate that the leaked information may exceed five million Digitel users and could contain sensitive details such as IDs, fingerprints, and photographs. Digital customers have been advised to change their passwords and secure their email accounts. IT specialists warn that more attacks may be on the horizon, as the MedusaBlog hacking group has previously targeted organizations and released their data on the dark web after ransom demands were not met. Venezuela, once a pro-crypto nation, has recently cracked down on cryptocurrencies, culminating in the shutdown of its oil-backed Petro cryptoasset in January.