
Offchain Labs introduced the BOLD protocol

  • Development studio Arbitrum has announced the release of the BOLD update. 
  • This is the concept of checking the state of L2 chains without permission. 
  • It is expected to make the ecosystem more decentralized and reduce latency. 

Offchain Labs has introduced the Bounded Liquidity Delay (BOLD) protocol, which allows Arbitrum chains to be checked without permission. Going forward, the innovation will provide an efficient fixed-term dispute resolution model that will significantly reduce delays 

Network Health Check

Arbitrum is an L2 shell on top of Ethereum. When a transaction occurs, the network sends a request to L1, where it is checked for compatibility with the EVM. This gives users the protection and assurance they need to finalize transactions. 

The process of sending a request has a built-in delay, about seven days, as Blockworks notes. During this period, whitelist validators can challenge the appeal if they believe fraudsters are behind it. 

Unfortunately, this method has some drawbacks, the publication emphasized. In particular, it is the vulnerability of the entire mechanism to “delay attacks.” 

BOLD prospectively reduces request processing time and also creates a more efficient model for resolving disputes over requests, Offchain Labs said. 

Advanced features

“Our protocol will improve Arbitrum’s chain-of-custody verification mechanism, taking it up several notches toward decentralization. This approach allows just one transparent validator to win an argument against any number of negative votes,” the company said in a statement. 

The next phase of the roadmap will be to create a test environment for BOLD validation. After that, the company intends to make a proposal to deploy the protocol in Arbitrum Nova and One. 

The source code for the innovation can be found on GitHub. 

Remember, Ofcchain Labs previously introduced a toolkit for deploying L3 networks called Orbit. You can learn more about what Arbitrum is from our review on Incrypted.

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