
Prediction: SEC May Withdraw Charges Against Ripple Executives, According to Yasin Mobarak

The article you’ve shared discusses a prediction made by Yasin Mobarak, the founder of Dizer Capital, that the SEC will withdraw its charges against Ripple executives Chris Larsen (chairman) and Brad Garlinghouse (CEO). This prediction comes in the context of the SEC v. Ripple lawsuit, which is scheduled for trial on April 23, 2024.

Mobarak’s prediction is based on his belief that it would not be in the SEC’s interest to go through with a trial that could potentially expose corruption and that the SEC’s agenda in the lawsuit is broader than just pursuing charges against these two executives. He suggests that the SEC might withdraw the charges to end the case early and file a full appeal to the Second Circuit, thereby maintaining regulatory uncertainty in the industry.

SEC Could Withdraw Charges Against Ripple Executives, Says Dizer Capital Founder

However, it’s important to note that Mobarak’s prediction is speculative, and there are varying opinions on the likelihood of the SEC withdrawing charges. Some members of the XRP community expressed doubts about the possibility of the SEC dropping the charges without receiving incentives from Ripple in return.

Ultimately, the outcome of the SEC v. Ripple lawsuit will depend on legal proceedings, evidence presented in court, and the decisions of the involved parties, so it’s difficult to make definitive predictions about the case’s outcome until it is resolved through the legal process.