
Robert Kennedy, Jr. purchased bitcoins

  • According to CNBC, as of June 30, the Kennedy family owned between $100,001 and $250,000 
  • Income from these investments is $201

US presidential candidate, Robert F.. Kennedy, Jr., reported owning a significant amount of bitcoins. He previously said he was not an investor in BTC.

Back in May, during his speech at the Bitcoin 2023 conference, Kennedy praised bitcoin and called for the development and protection of the network. He also added that his campaign is ready to accept donations in BTC. However, he clarified that his support for the asset was not investment advice.

Back in May, during his speech at the Bitcoin 2023 conference, Kennedy praised bitcoin and called for the development and protection of the network. He also added that his campaign is ready to accept donations in BTC. However, he clarified that his support for the asset was not investment advice.

According to CNBC, as of June 30, the Kennedy family held between $100,001 and $250,000 in bitcoin in a brokerage account. The financial disclosure does not say exactly when these investments were made, and the income is less than $201.

After the report was published, Kennedy’s campaign responded to CNBC that the bitcoins belong to Robert’s wife, Cheryl Hines. But they later denied the information and said the investment was actually Kennedy’s own.

Virginia Kanter, chief ethics counsel for the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said there may be a potential conflict of interest in this situation, since Kennedy heavily promoted bitcoins during his campaign, but claimed he did not invest in them. At the same time, his immediate family owned the cryptocurrency.

Then Kennedy’s spokesman, Dennis Kucinich, tried to calm the situation, he said:

“No conflict here.”

In late June, Kennedy Jr. called bitcoin a “defense against totalitarianism,” and before that the politician promised to support bitcoin and free settlement if he won the election.