
Tapswap mum on specifics of token launch on TON blockchain

Tapswap, the popular tap-to-earn game on Telegram, has left users wondering about the specifics of its token launch on the TON blockchain. Users have been eagerly awaiting information about the project’s airdrop, including eligibility requirements and launch date. However, Tapswap remained tight-lipped during an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, not revealing how tokens will be allocated to users or providing a specific timeline for the launch. The team mentioned that there are many moving parts to their tokenomics, including ongoing communications with crypto exchanges and platforms. They also stated that a significant portion of the tokens will be allocated to the community, but details will be shared once the tokenomics are finalized. Despite the lack of specifics, Tapswap promises fairness in the airdrop distribution, stating that they have clear rules in place to prevent abuse and have implemented a monitoring system to track user behavior. Tapswap initially planned to integrate with Solana but later switched to the TON blockchain, as it was seen as a better fit for the app being based on Telegram. The game has gained popularity since its launch in February, with over 48 million people playing.