
Why Polkadot Will Die in 2 Years? Here Are The Major Reasons

The Uncertain Future of Polkadot’s Financial Strategy

The future of Polkadot, a popular blockchain project, has been called into question due to concerns surrounding its financial strategy. With only two years’ worth of budget remaining, many experts are predicting that Polkadot may not survive in the long term.

One major issue highlighted by Cryptocurrency analyst Zia ul Haque is the heavy spending and lack of return on investment. Polkadot currently holds $245 million in assets, with $188 million in tokens. However, despite spending $87 million in the first half of 2024, the project has not seen the desired results in terms of user growth. Over 40% of the spending was allocated towards advertising, influencers, conferences, and events, but the number of active accounts has actually declined.

This unsustainable path has led to concerns about the long-term viability of Polkadot. With an annual spending rate of $108 million, the project’s current liquid assets of $200 million will only sustain operations for two more years unless significant changes are made. The need for the project to revise its financial strategy and address inflation has become crucial to avoid potential failure.

However, some activists within the Polkadot community remain confident that the project’s treasury will not run out of funds. Giotto de Filippi, a DOT activist, explains that the treasury receives 7% of token inflation, ensuring a continual flow of funds. This, combined with the $188 million in liquid assets, may help sustain Polkadot in the long run.

Nevertheless, the debate surrounding Polkadot’s financial strategies and the need for stricter budgeting and potential changes to inflation parameters continues. The project must make strategic changes to better allocate its resources and avoid depleting its funds, or else face the possibility of failing within the next two years.