
Controversy Surrounding $LADYS Token: Trading Practices, Insider Information, and Blocked Addresses

The top ten holders of $LADYS, excluding exchanges, hold more than 180 trillion memcoins, accounting for nearly 20% of the total market supply, according to the Lookonchain Network Observer.

Some traders’ addresses have been blocked and blacklisted due to suspicions that the owners used non-competitive trading practices and had access to insider information.

In the aggregate, at the time of the active phase of the $LADYS trade, the owners of these addresses generated $4.5 million in revenue.

Arguing their observations, Lookonchain specialists cite data that address 0x3269 bought 9.17 trillion $LADYS for 3.31 ETH with a subsequent sale for $1.35 million. Profit was 218%.

Address 0xc484 bought $8.03 trillionLADYS for 24 ETH, a gain of $1.14 million or 26%.

Address 0x53e6 bought 8.02T $LADYS for 2.42 ETH for a yield of 261% or $1.18 million Address 0xfB2b gained about $800,000 from selling 7.5 trillion $LADYS for $1.11 million.

It is speculated that another reason for the blocking may have been the suggestion that the anonymous traders were MEV bots. Earlier in the cryptocurrency community, there had already been
concerns about the impact of MEV bots on the “security and fairness of the network”.

Because bots can affect gas fees, pre-transactions and overload the network, especially as the public’s attraction to memtokens grows.

Meanwhile, daily sales of $LADYS have reached $111 million and total market capitalization has risen to $103 million.

Earlier, Markus Thielen, head of research at Matrixport, compared investing in meme cryptocurrencies to the lottery craze.