
ApeCoin DAO rebels against high employee salaries

  • It turns out that ApeCoin consuls receive more than $20,000. per month
  • A social media steward starts at $9,000
  • Some ApeCoin owners are demanding a review of salaries

The other day the DAO Apecoin secretary announced the salaries of the project administration and special board members.

It turned out that the administrator receives $75,000. Managers reviewing DAO offers earn $20,833 each. The steward, who oversees work groups, gets a salary of $9,000. Moderators and forum/social network administrators are paid slightly less ($8,000 a month each).

The author of the tweet boasted of a $7,000 salary.. He added that anyone is welcome to join the forum or Discord team as a steward.

After the news broke on Twitter, a heated debate erupted over the matter. Some believe that $20,000 for a special consul is a lot, given that such people do almost nothing.

Others believe that this is a fair salary for professionals in such a complex industry as cryptocurrencies. Especially since the team is working really hard on their project.

User Moonlyght suggested that the question be put to a vote. He believes the community should cut employee salaries in half. Another DAO member believes that workers’ competencies should be scrutinized.