
Aptos Foundation and Alibaba Cloud Partner to Boost Japan’s Web3 Ecosystem

Aptos Foundation and Alibaba Cloud have joined forces to boost Japan’s Web3 ecosystem through their collaboration on Alcove. This partnership aims to foster innovation and expand the influence of the Move smart contract programming language in the Asia-Pacific region. By leveraging Alibaba Cloud’s technology, Aptos Foundation will host hackathons and educational events to nurture emerging Web3 talents within the Alcove Japan community.

Aptos is also strengthening its collaboration with partners such as NBCUniversal and Aptos Labs to utilize Web3 and blockchain technologies in improving gameplay, fan loyalty, and engagement. This collaboration aims to deliver blockchain applications to various media and entertainment assets.

Japan, with its advanced regulatory framework and tech-savvy population, is well-positioned to be a global leader in Web3 advocacy and digital asset adoption. To support on-chain development, Aptos Foundation will kick off a series of Alcove initiatives, starting with a Move developer meetup co-hosted with OKCoin Japan and Alibaba Cloud.

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