
Astroport Effectively Migrates Staking and Governance From Terra to Neutron

Astroport Successfully Transfers Staking and Governance Functions to Neutron, Leaving Terra Behind

Astroport, a decentralized liquidity provider based on the Terra blockchain, has made a groundbreaking announcement. The platform has successfully migrated its staking and governance features from Terra to Neutron, marking the first-ever transfer of such functions between blockchains.

In an official post, Astroport highlighted the significance of this move within the Cosmos ecosystem. The platform stated that this development signifies a new era of interchain collaboration and functionality. As part of the migration, Astroport revealed that its native tokens, xASTRO and ASTRO, have transitioned to the TokenFactory standard. Consequently, ASTRO has been renamed as ASTRO.cw20, while xASTRO has been renamed as xASTRO.cw20.

Users can now leverage the staking and governance capabilities on Neutron by converting their tokens on Astroport’s swap pages. It’s important to note that no liquidity pools have been created across the chains, making this transition an important step for ASTRO stakers and holders. To ensure a smooth shift to the new tools and standards, they are advised to take specific actions.

If users are on any chain other than Osmosis, they can convert their tokens without any additional steps. However, Osmosis users need to bridge their tokens to supported chains for swapping. Stakers must also unstake their tokens before conversion and access the bridge page to migrate them to Neutron for restaking.

For liquidity providers, withdrawing tokens requires removing liquidity from existing pools, while swapping involves converting tokens. To provide liquidity again, the new tokens should be added to the ASTRO pools on the Neutron network. Following this migration, Astroport plans to introduce vxASTRO on Neutron.

This move by Astroport showcases the potential for seamless integration and collaboration between different blockchain networks, setting a precedent for future cross-chain developments.