
Binance CEO Refutes Claims of $28 Billion Net Worth

The CEO of Binance, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, has pushed back against media reports that claim he has a net worth exceeding $28 billion.

Changpeng Zhao, the CEO, called the reports inaccurate, insisting that he doesn’t have that much money.

Bloomberg, however, has listed Zhao as one of the world’s wealthiest people, with a net worth of $28.2 billion.

Despite this, Zhao has taken to Twitter to dispute the claim, stating that the numbers are wrong and that he doesn’t know why Bloomberg would publish such inaccurate information.

He also dismissed rumors that Binance viewed the recently collapsed FTX exchange as a competitor, saying that Binance welcomes well-run exchanges in the cryptocurrency space.

This isn’t the first time Zhao has denied reports published by Forbes and Bloomberg, accusing them of spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

In the past, he has even sued Bloomberg for a story that he claims damaged his reputation.