
. Binance P2P ends support for Russian ruble

The largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance continues to systematically wind down operations in Russia – from February 2024, users of the Binance P2P peer-to-peer platform will lose the ability to exchange rubles.

According to the platform’s statement, on January 31, 2024, from 00:00 (UTC), Binance P2P will disable trading in pairs with the Russian ruble, including SDT/RUB, BTC/RUB, FDUSD/RUB, BNB/RUB, ETH/RUB, BUSD /RUB and RUB/RUB. As part of the transfer of business to the CommEX platform, users will be able to continue peer-to-peer trading on this platform without additional fees.

“To use CommEX for P2P trading, simply register on the site and connect your account with Binance. After this, users will be able to transfer their assets from Binance to CommEX and continue P2P trading with the support of the Russian ruble,” the statement notes.

Until January 31 next year, Binance P2P users can withdraw their rubles, convert them into cryptocurrencies and trade on the spot market.

Let us remind you that Binance disabled the most popular pairs with the Russian ruble on the spot market on November 20.