
Bitcoin To Go ‘Ballistic’ After Halving, Says Top Analyst – Here’s Why

As the cryptocurrency community eagerly awaits the upcoming Bitcoin halving event, renowned crypto analyst Willy Woo has made a bullish prediction that has sparked excitement. Woo believes that Bitcoin’s price could skyrocket after the halving, describing the expected trajectory as “ballistic.” The halving, which occurs approximately every four years, reduces miners’ rewards and slows down new Bitcoin supply. This scarcity, combined with growing recognition of Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation, could potentially lead to a significant price surge. Woo compares Bitcoin’s reduced supply growth rate of 0.85% to gold’s 1.6% and the negative growth rate of the US dollar. However, while Woo’s analysis is optimistic, other perspectives diverge. A Deutsche Bank survey reveals a divided opinion among respondents, with one-third expressing negativity about Bitcoin’s future price prospects. Additionally, BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes offers a bearish outlook, warning of potential price declines after the halving. It is essential to exercise caution and consider market volatility when interpreting these different viewpoints.