
Crypto community raising ETH to evacuate civilians from Gaza

Crypto community comes together to raise Ethereum (ETH) for evacuating civilians from Gaza, amidst the ongoing tensions between Gaza and Israel. The campaign, called ETH Evacuations, has raised over $55,000 in the past 24 hours to support families attempting to leave the Gaza strip. Spearheaded by a member of the Ethereum community, @Katalunia030, who previously worked at Zora, the campaign aims to provide direct donations in ETH to help families in Gaza. Numerous individuals within the crypto community have actively engaged in spreading the word and donating to the cause. The campaign has also witnessed support from NFT artists who have listed collections to raise funds. Currently, the campaign has raised over $100,000 in ETH within a span of 3.5 weeks, showcasing the generosity of not just the Ethereum community, but also the wider crypto community. The campaign’s transparency, thanks to blockchain technology, has reassured donors in a time when charity fraud is prevalent.