
Denis Dubnikov found involved in the distribution of Ryuk ransomware

The US judicial authorities announced that they proved the guilt of Denis Dubnikov in laundering criminal crypto-currency proceeds. The Russian was arrested in the Netherlands in November 2021 and extradited to the States in August 2022.

According to the decision of the Federal Court of Oregon, Denis Dubnikov was a member of the group involved in the distribution of Ryuk ransomware.. The Russian is charged with one of the episodes when, after a series of successful attacks on American companies, Dubnikov and his accomplices received a ransom of 250 bitcoins.. According to the FBI, Denis Dubnikov was responsible for a number of technical operations to hide the criminal origin of crypto assets and their ownership.. The funds received were converted into Tether and eventually exchanged for Chinese Yuan.

In total, according to the investigation, a group of hackers involved in Ryuk could receive about $150 million in cryptocurrencies from individuals and companies around the world, including from the United States.

Law enforcement agencies reported that on February 6, Denis Dubnikov pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to launder criminal proceeds.. Sentencing of Dubnikov set for April 11, 2023. He faces a fine of $500,000, as well as about 20 years in prison with a three-year suspension of the entry into force of the sentence.

In August last year, the US Department of Justice reported that Russian citizen Denis Dubnikov, who was detained in Amsterdam on suspicion of criminal links with the Coyotes group, was extradited from the Netherlands to the United States.