
DPRK-Linked Hackers Swipe $180 Million in Digital Assets and 1,000 Credit Card Data

  • DPRK-linked hackers stole $180 million worth of digital assets in the first half of 2023 alone, local media reported.
  • They also stole the data of about 1,000 credit cards.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) said that DPRK-linked hackers stole virtual assets totaling about $1.5 billion between 2015 and 2023.

This was reported by local publication Asiatoday.

The NIS estimates that the state was involved in hacking incidents worth more than $180 million in the first half of this year alone.

In addition, House of Representatives member Yoo Sang Bom said North Korea stole the data of about 1,000 domestic credit cards.

However, the NIS quickly took security measures and said no one was hurt.

The National Intelligence Service also reported that North Korea has resorted to illegal means, such as stealing virtual money, to overcome economic difficulties.

Reminder, in April, the UN disclosed that North Korean attackers had stolen $1 billion worth of crypto assets.

Also, we previously reported that local hackers had raised $3 billion by stealing cryptocurrencies from companies and major owners. 50% of that money went to fund the country’s ballistics program, according to the WSJ report.