
Fantom will explore the possibility of switching to Optimistic Rollups

  • The decision is driven by a desire to access Ethereum liquidity.
  • The developers say they are also exploring Arbitrum’s technology.

The Fantom Foundation team may move its namesake blockchain to Optimistic Rollups technology to give the project access to Ethereum’s ecosystem liquidity. The organization’s co-founder Andre Cronje said this in an interview with The Scoop.

“We looked at Optimistic Stacks and Arbitrum Stack to see how their canonical bridges use these proofs to have high security guarantees. Do we consider one of their stacks as our own canon bridge? Yes. And we are actively exploring this issue,” Cronje commented.

The Fantom Foundation co-founder added that if the blockchain decides to transfer the full transaction history to the Ethereum blockchain, it will have to pay fees to capture these snapshots.

Cronje previously said he never left the Fantom Foundation.