
Flamingo Swap integration and voting management added to

Flamingo Swap integration and voting management have been recently added to, the platform dedicated to discovering Neo dApps. These new features aim to improve user interaction within the Neo ecosystem. With the integration of Flamingo Finance for token swaps, users can now connect their wallets using WalletConnect and perform token swaps on the Tokens page. Initially, this service is available for tokens that share liquidity pools on Flamingo, such as FLM and fUSDT. does not charge additional fees for swaps made through the Flamingo platform. The integration also serves as a backup for accessing Flamingo Finance services during front-end downtime. Additionally, has introduced a GAS Calculator tool for vote management, allowing users to estimate GAS rewards based on their NEO holdings and adjust their votes accordingly. The calculator provides GAS estimates over different time intervals and in USD value. For those without connected wallets, the calculator enables the input of NEO holdings for estimating potential GAS generation. Furthermore, has launched an NFT Collection page, offering insights into the total supply, average price, and trading volume of NFT collections available on the GhostMarket NFT marketplace. Looking ahead, plans to introduce more features, including Gleeder integration, GasBot wallet management, Neo X support, options for fiat purchases, and more. These future enhancements align with the platform’s objective of enhancing the discovery and onboarding of applications within the ecosystem. To explore these features and find more information, users can visit