
Frantic Customer Calls JPMorgan Chase As $10,700 Exits Bank Account – Now the Banking Giant Says It’s Not To Blame: Report

Frantic Customer Reaches Out to JPMorgan Chase After Losing $10,700 – But the Bank Denies Responsibility: Report

Banking giant JPMorgan Chase is facing criticism after refusing to fully compensate a customer who fell victim to a sophisticated banking scam. Betsy Rich, a Colorado resident, received a text message requesting authorization for a $1,700 transaction from her JPMorgan Chase account. Suspecting fraud, Rich denied the transaction and received a call from a person posing as a Chase representative. The individual had access to Rich’s account information and urged her to change her PIN to prevent further losses. Unfortunately, during the process of changing her PIN, $10,700 was fraudulently withdrawn from her account.

Frustratingly, Chase has denied Rich’s fraud claim, stating that the disputed items were authorized. In a letter, the bank notified her that they would only refund $1,700 in wire transfers. However, the bank did issue a warning to customers about potential scams, emphasizing that they would never ask for PINs or monetary transfers.

Despite taking quick action and alerting Chase of the fraudulent activity, Rich is dismayed by the bank’s refusal to fully reimburse her for the stolen funds. This case serves as a reminder for customers to remain vigilant and cautious in their banking transactions, especially when confronted with unexpected requests for personal information or financial transfers.