
Ripple v. SEC: What’s next for the case?

Ripple v. SEC: What’s next for the case?

Following Ripple’s ultimate victory in the lawsuit against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in which the regulator sued the blockchain company over the sale of the XRP token, legal experts have shared what comes next.

Specifically, lawyer Jeremy Hogan said that “‘for all intents and purposes,’ the Ripple v. SEC case is over,” and the only thing left is the important hearings to decide on a judgment of up to $770 million, as he explained in an X thread published on October 21.

Furthermore, Hogan shared his view that the same would happen with programmatic sales, posting one of the footnotes from the judge’s decision which suggests that the Judge had given some credence to Ripple’s fair notice defense.

SEC’s odds of appeal win

Finally, the lawyer has calculated the chances of the SEC winning on appeal, “surviving more litigation and still being able to maintain the lawsuit against Ripple into 2026,” placing them at 2.367% – “same odds as the Jets winning the Super Bowl!”

At the same time, another legal expert and popular commentator on the case, Bill Morgan, noted that the SEC had “lost badly and it deserved to lose badly despite the success on institutional sales,” adding that he wished the securities watchdog “all the worst in the penalties phase of the litigation and that the court gives the smallest penalties possible.”

As Morgan confirmed in an October 20 post, the next phase in the Ripple case is for the two sides to meet and agree on the remedies against the blockchain company for violations regarding its institutional sales of XRP.”

It is also worth mentioning that the Fox Bussiness journalist Eleanor Terrett shared insider information from the SEC, according to which, although the agency withdrew the charges against Ripple’s executives, “all other parts of the case, including classification of all offers and sale of XRP as an investment scheme, remain on the table,” as she said on October 20.

Meanwhile, XRP, the token that was at the center of the whole judicial ordeal for Ripple, was at press time trading at the price of $0.5252, recording an increase of 1.37% on the day, a 6.42% gain across the week, and an advance of 2.56% on its monthly chart, as per the latest data on October 23.

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