
Russia may increase electricity generation due to demand from miners

According to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Nikolai Shulginov, demand for electricity from miners has increased in southeastern Siberia, so the construction of additional capacities may be required. Shulginov did not talk about more specific plans. Most likely, we are talking about the development of energy networks for miners, as well as the construction of local power plants. The networks of Khakassia and the Irkutsk region are now feeling the greatest load – this is due to cheap electricity for the population. “The position of the Ministry of Energy has always been based on the need to create working conditions for mining, we are seeing an increase in consumption by the population in some regions. When the population is engaged in mining, there is an increase in consumption, a load on the network, sometimes the network is damaged. As for industrial mining, it is also growing, growing mainly in regions where the tariff is low. In these regions, we are seeing consumption growth and significant growth, which we must take into account when considering the scheme of the development program for the next period and, most likely, will not do without the construction of generation in the southeastern part of the unified energy system of Siberia,” Shulginov said in an interview with the Rossiya TV channel. 24″. Last year, the authorities of the Irkutsk region proposed introducing a differentiated electricity tariff for the population – the greater the electricity consumption, the higher the tariff should be.. The Ministry of Energy went for such an innovation, but the Irkutsk region refused to introduce a differentiated tariff. So far, it has been introduced only in the Kemerovo region. Shulginov said that the Ministry of Energy will assess how such tariffs affect the population. Earlier, Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, announced that digital assets would be legalized in the new year.