
Schrute Bucks developer launches NEO.Coupons for token-based printable coupons

Schrute Bucks developer introduces NEO.Coupons, a platform that allows users to create unique printable token-based coupons. This innovative service, developed within the Neo community, aims to distribute cryptocurrency in a fun and engaging way. Users can choose from any NEP-17 token and customize their coupons, with special designs available for the popular $CHRUTE and FRANK tokens. To create a coupon, users simply connect their NeoLine or Neon wallet, specify the token amount, name the coupon, and set a passcode for redemption. Gas-only coupons are not currently supported, but will be in the future. Once the coupon is created, a printable coupon image and a unique coupon ID are generated. The creator can then share the coupon details and passcode with the recipient, who can redeem the tokens online and claim them in their own Neo wallet. This service adds a playful twist to the use of cryptocurrency, with the Schrute Bucks token, inspired by “The Office,” being a prime example. The Schrute Bucks were used as a motivational currency in the show, and NEO.Coupons now allows users to print Schrute Bucks-styled coupons reminiscent of the ones seen on the show. To learn more about this exciting development, refer to the original announcement at