
The Optimism team confirmed that ETH has become their native token

  • They commented on the big ETH 
  • It was necessary for the Bedrock update

The Optimism team confirmed that after the Bedrock update, the ETH coin will work in the ecosystem as a native token. A developer wrote this in an email to CoinDesk.

“ETH is now seen as a native token for both Ethereum and Optimism networks, rather than an ERC-20 token.”

CoinDesk were among the first to notice the change in blockchain data. More than $550 million worth of airwaves moved online. Optimism Gateway bridge was used for the transaction, which helps transfer tokens between different networks. This was the second largest ETH shipment in the last 2 weeks. The ethers have now “settled” on a new smart contract address in Optimism.

The transfer of $550 million in ETH took place on the day the Bedrock update was released. This is their step toward SuperChain, an ecosystem that is a network of many mini-blockchains that interact with each other.

Hard-Fork aims to improve blockchain functionality. It reduces deposit confirmation time from 10 minutes to 1 minute and reduces gas charges by 40%.

The Bedrock update also improves the modularity of evidence for its OP Stack, an open-source platform for developers. It can be used to create Optimism-compatible blockchains. Optimism became a multi-client ecosystem after the upgrade. Now there will be at least two choices for programming languages.