
Unlimited Innovations vs. 2,500 Swimming Pools — AI Faces Similar Environmental Backlash as Bitcoin Mining

Unlimited Innovations vs. 2,500 Swimming Pools — AI Faces Comparable Environmental Criticism to Bitcoin Mining

In recent times, the environmental impact of bitcoin mining has been a hot topic of discussion, primarily due to its energy consumption in securing the network and validating transactions using proof-of-work (PoW). Now, as generative artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a prominent force in the technology sector, it is also facing similar environmental concerns. Interestingly, proponents of bitcoin have begun drawing connections between the criticisms aimed at AI’s energy demands and those directed at cryptocurrency mining.

The Ecological Impact of AI: Confronting the Environmental Challenges of Innovation

While AI has generally been praised in the media, its electricity and water consumption have recently sparked significant debate. Several online articles criticize the substantial resources AI requires, with one Rolling Stone piece claiming that “Microsoft’s global water consumption spiked to nearly 1.7 billion gallons in a year.” This article oversimplifies the issue by comparing AI’s water usage to that of 2,500 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

The Standard, an online platform, employs a similar argument by equating water consumption to the volume of swimming pools. This approach mirrors the one used by critics of bitcoin mining, who liken its energy consumption to that of an entire nation. Responding to The Standard’s headline on the social media platform X, Bitcoin advocate Nic Carter pointed out that they are “literally just copy & pasting their anti-bitcoin mining takes into anti-AI articles.”

Equating AI’s consumption to the total usage of a specific human resource can be misleading due to various factors often overlooked in these exaggerated narratives. These factors include context, nature, and utility differences. A well-informed discussion should consider the quality, type, and consequences of energy usage in each scenario.

The energy source that powers AI is a significant consideration. If generative AI relies on renewable or excess energy that would otherwise go unused, this differs from using non-renewable resources crucial to essential human activities. Such comparisons between AI and other industries become futile. Furthermore, as technology advances, AI infrastructure becomes more energy-efficient, potentially reducing its relative energy impact. These same points have been made in the context of resource utilization in cryptocurrency mining.

Jameson Lopp, a developer and Casa CTO, commented on an X post discussing training an AI model or a large language model (LLM). The post, citing an article from, claims that “training an AI model is nearly 7x worse for the environment than U.S. car manufacturing and fuel consumption.” Lopp called it the “dumbest decel outrage yet” and added, “I guess the morons don’t realize that a trained LLM can be queried an unlimited number of times by an unlimited number of people.”

Another commenter in the same X post thread highlighted that when considering total emissions rather than emissions per unit, the overall impact of AI models on emissions is relatively small compared to the vast number of people, cars, and plane travel. This observation suggests that AI models have a smaller environmental footprint due to their lesser quantity.

The intense discussion surrounding the environmental impact of bitcoin mining and generative AI reflects a broader societal concern. However, the rush for sensational headlines often obscures the complex and multifaceted nature of these technologies. Beyond clickbait narratives, there is a dire need for comprehensive understanding and nuanced debates about the true implications of our advancing digital era. Such discussions should consider all perspectives and aim to inform rather than inflame public opinion.

What are your thoughts on the recent debates concerning AI and its energy and water consumption? Please share your opinions on this subject in the comments section below.