
Yandex added a cryptocurrency converter to the search bar


The information and search system “Yandex” has added a widget with a graph of the rates of 143 of the most popular crypto assets, as well as a tool for their quick conversion, which is displayed directly below the search query.

Company representatives explained to that the service is optimized for traditional queries and understands what the user is looking for.. When processing requests, in addition to the traditional form, slang or jargon inherent in part of the crypto community can be taken into account, for example, “how much is ether”, “cue to rubles”, “Doge price”.


At the request of the user, information about the value of the crypto asset in fiat currencies is immediately displayed. Information about current rates comes to the Yandex widget from the aggregator of information about digital currencies CoinGecko. It is expected that as the service develops, the functionality of the widget will be supplemented with data on the conversion of some crypto assets into others.

According to the Yandex search engine, the five most popular cryptocurrencies by the number of requests in 2022 are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Solana.

In the Google search engine, according to the results of 2022, bitcoin remained the absolute leader in terms of queries.. However, reduced demand and the market crisis have led to the fact that the search for the words “buy cryptocurrency” showed the worst result in Goggle Trends since February 2020.