
Ripple’s CTO Defends XRP Ledger Decentralization Amid Criticism

The chief technology officer of Ripple responded to critics who claim that XRP Ledger is not decentralized enough.

David Schwartz defended XRPL, insisting on a level of decentralization similar to PoW consensus algorithm blockchain projects, “albeit in a slightly different way.”

The statement was a response to criticism from Cyber Capital founder Justin Bons, who is convinced that XRP, Binance Coin (BNB) and Stellar Lumens (XLM) are too centralized.

The businessman cites the peculiarities of blockchain architecture as the reason.

David Schwartz believes the consensus features of the XRP Ledger are deciding which transactions should be included in the next blockchain.

Which, according to a top Ripple executive, reflects better decentralization compared to PoW, where one person can decide which transactions should be included in a block.

Among the pluses of XRPL its apologist notes the low, in comparison with mining, cost of operation.

David Schwartz suggests not focusing solely on XPR, for example, in the development of decentralized applications, comparing the cryptocurrency to a coconut.