ChatGPT Forecasts “Massive Bull Race” for Bitcoin Following 2024 Halving

Forming a response to a query from crypto-industry experts about the possible movement of bitcoin value at the time of the coming halving. The popular ChatGPT chatbot predicted that this event would be the catalyst for a "massive bull rac ...

Understanding the Prospects and Challenges of Tron, Solana, and ETH2 in the Crypto Market

Upon analyzing the latest trends concerning Tron, Solana, and ETH2, it becomes clear that many of the predictions have already been successfully implemented. However, certain aspects can only be noticed through numerical designations. To provide a better understanding, it would be helpful to pres ...

AAVE Freezes BUSD Reserves Following NYDFS Ban and Decreasing Market Demand

The unanimous approval of the proposal to freeze BUSD reserves in the Ethereum Aave V2 pool took effect on February 27th. According to comments posted on the official DeFi AAVE protocol resource, the decision to block Binance USD (BUSD) stablecoins was made despite the fact that BUSD is not a borrow ...