
Douyin Removes Bitcoin Price Monitoring Feature Shortly After Adding It

It is not uncommon for the Chinese government to closely monitor and control information related to sensitive topics such as cryptocurrency.

The recent removal of the Bitcoin price monitoring feature on Douyin shortly after it was added suggests that the Chinese authorities may not be as crypto-friendly as some may have hoped.

The warning that users received about investing in digital assets when searching for bitcoin prices may be seen as a sign of caution from the government, as it seeks to protect users from the risks associated with cryptocurrency.

It is worth noting that China has taken a tough stance on cryptocurrency in the past, with the country banning initial coin offerings (ICOs) and shutting down cryptocurrency exchanges in 2017.

However, it is also worth noting that CPIC Investment Management, which is backed by the Chinese government, has launched two cryptocurrency funds in Hong Kong related to investments in blockchain and digital asset staking.

This suggests that there may be a growing interest in blockchain technology and digital assets in China, albeit with careful regulation and supervision.

Overall, it seems that the Chinese government is taking a cautious approach to the cryptocurrency industry, seeking to balance the potential benefits of blockchain technology with the risks associated with digital assets.

It remains to be seen how this approach will develop in the future.