
A Giant Whale Took Profit from These Four Altcoins During the Overall Market Decline: Gained $5.4 Million

A Colossal Leviathan Extracted Profit from These Four Altcoins Amidst the General Market Downturn: Acquired $5.4 Million

A cryptocurrency behemoth purportedly deposited an astonishing 182.4 billion PEPE ($1.24 million), 351,520 CAKE ($1.31 million), 1.88 million MANA ($1.11 million), and 1.83 million SAND ($1.09 million) on Binance just 60 minutes ago. Surprisingly, this remarkable creature managed to accrue profits from eight diverse tokens, resulting in an overall net gain of $5.4 million.

The wallet address associated with the primary mighty entity is 0x37dfFd32Ea5b23813A263F725759632C120e0AC7.

In the meanwhile, yet another titan is causing substantial upheavals in the Ethereum market. This skilled trader seized 10,309 ETH ($35.82 million) a mere two hours ago, precisely at the very nadir of the market’s decline. This is not the first time this gigantic entity has made such a significant leap. On April 8, just prior to BTC’s ascent, the same trader acquired an additional 10,643 ETH ($36.75 million).

The Ethereum wallet address linked to this second mammoth is 0x43594da5d6A03b2137a04DF5685805C676dEf7cB.

Furthermore, reports have surfaced of another colossal creature depositing a substantial 800 BTC ($54.6 million) onto Binance merely five minutes after the announcement of March Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation. This follows a similar 800 BTC ($57.16 million) deposit made by this same breathtaking leviathan to Binance just yesterday, which led to a roughly 4% decline in BTC’s valuation. Currently, this whale holds a staggering 13,665 BTC ($928.6 million).

The BTC wallet address associated with this third immense creature is 3G98jSULfhrES1J9HKfZdDjXx1sTNvHkhN.