
Akita Society Uses Blockchain to Protect Dog Breeds in Japan

The Akita Inu Preservation Society in Japan has partnered with a technology company to implement blockchain technology in order to protect the purity and authenticity of the Akita Inu breed. This move comes in response to the increasing global popularity of the breed and the challenges faced in maintaining accurate pedigree records and preventing the loss or falsification of paperwork.

With an international membership that has grown from 300 to close to 500, the society recognized the need for a more efficient and secure system for the distribution of pedigree certificates. Traditionally issued in paper form, these certificates often get lost during international shipping and can be vulnerable to fraud, as evidenced by a past incident in China involving fake documents.

To address these issues, the Akita Inu Preservation Society collaborated with Meta Akita Inc., located in the Akita prefecture, and the American corporation Heirloom Inc. to develop a blockchain-based pedigree system. Blockchain technology, known for its robust security, is commonly used in cryptocurrency transactions.

By digitizing and distributing certificates through blockchain, the society can greatly speed up the delivery process compared to traditional mailing, which could take up to two weeks. This not only provides convenience for dog owners but also ensures the integrity and purity of the breed.

Yuki Shoji, a board member of the society, expressed hopes that the adoption of blockchain technology would not only offer convenience but also give owners peace of mind in knowing that their dog is purebred.

With its use of blockchain, the Akita Inu Preservation Society is at the forefront of leveraging technology to preserve and protect dog breeds, setting a precedent for other breed societies to follow suit.