
Bitcoin Core’s Latest Optech Newsletter Urges Upgrade to Version 25.0, Discusses New Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Bitcoin Core’s most recent Optech Newsletter, issue #306, emphasizes the importance of upgrading to Version 25.0 or higher in the coming weeks, with the latest release being Version 27.0. This update contains essential improvements and bug fixes that enhance the overall performance and security of the Bitcoin network.

In addition to the upgrade recommendation, the newsletter highlights a new vulnerability disclosure policy adopted by Bitcoin Core project members. This policy outlines the approach to disclosing vulnerabilities discovered within the Bitcoin Core software. Going forward, low-severity vulnerabilities will be disclosed approximately two weeks after a new Bitcoin Core version is released. Meanwhile, disclosures for more critical vulnerabilities will occur after the affected version has reached its end-of-life phase.

Adopting this new vulnerability disclosure policy showcases the commitment of Bitcoin Core project members to prioritize transparency and prompt action in addressing potential security concerns. Users are encouraged to follow these guidelines and upgrade to the latest version of Bitcoin Core to ensure a secure and optimized Bitcoin experience.