
ChainGPT Announces $50,000 Airdrop Campaign in Collaboration with CoinMarketCap

ChainGPT Announces $50,000 Airdrop Campaign in Collaboration with CoinMarketCap

ChainGPT, a pioneering AI infrastructure network for the Web3 ecosystem, has announced a strategic collaboration with CoinMarketCap to host a generous airdrop campaign, offering $50,000 worth of $CGPT tokens to crypto enthusiasts. This exciting initiative aims to reward and engage the crypto community while expanding the reach of ChainGPT’s native token. Up to 10,000 participants will have the opportunity to claim a portion of the airdrop.

A Path to Wider Accessibility and Innovation

Running from October 23 to November 7, the ChainGPT airdrop campaign offers a chance to receive $CGPT tokens to users who follow specific steps. To qualify for the airdrop, participants must follow ChainGPT on Twitter, like and share the promotional post, and complete tasks outlined on CoinMarketCap’s dedicated airdrop page. The program’s primary goal is to enhance the number of active $CGPT token holders and foster increased community participation.

Recent data reveals that more than $1.3 million worth of $CGPT tokens are currently staked by over 16,000 token holders, marking a significant milestone for ChainGPT’s Total Value Locked (TVL). This airdrop event coincides with ChainGPT’s listing on the tier1 exchange HTX, formerly known as Huobi. This listing signifies the growing recognition of the project and enhances accessibility to $CGPT tokens on a global scale.

Additionally, ChainGPT has received a Gas Grant from BNB Chain in recognition of its substantial contributions to the BNB ecosystem, further cementing its presence within the blockchain industry. In a statement, Ilan Rakhmanov, CEO of ChainGPT, expressed his enthusiasm for the community’s support and ChainGPT’s ongoing innovation in the Web3 sector.

He stated, “We are thrilled with the overwhelming support from the community with over 16,000 token holders staking $1.3M in $CGPT. As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in Web3, our airdrop with CoinMarketCap, along with the recent listing on HTX and the BNB Chain grant, are some of the crucial steps towards expanding global access to $CGPT and ChainGPT tools and solutions.”

Commitment to Revolutionize the Web3 Landscape

Efforts like the $50,000 airdrop play a crucial role in increasing awareness about ChainGPT’s ongoing solution development while sustaining excitement for forthcoming product releases. One of the highly anticipated upcoming releases from ChainGPT is an AI trading assistant. This tool promises to provide users with technical analysis for thousands of tokens, real-time price analysis, sentiment analysis, and indicator insights, enabling crypto traders to make more informed decisions based on advanced AI analysis of current market conditions.

Rakhmanov added, “We also aim to empower cryptocurrency traders with state-of-the-art AI analysis as we prepare for the launch of our AI Trading Assistant. These initiatives are essential in our mission to raise awareness of solutions that ChatGPT has to offer through the power of AI, but also serve as a way for our team to share genuine excitement for the things that are yet to come.”

October has proven to be a highly productive month for ChainGPT. In addition to unveiling its $50,000 airdrop partnership with CoinMarketCap, securing the BNB Chain grant, and offering a sneak peek at upcoming product launches, the project successfully hosted the OpenFabric Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on October 18. Impressively, this event resulted in the sale of over 2.5 million $OFN tokens in less than 20 seconds, raising a substantial $150,000.

ChainGPT continues to lead as the premier provider of AI-powered infrastructure for the crypto, blockchain, and Web3 industries. Their range of solutions includes automated smart contract generation and auditing, autonomous community management, advanced Web3 AI chatbot, AI-powered news aggregation, and NFT generation. The $CGPT token airdrop and other recent achievements reinforce ChainGPT’s status as a significant player in the evolving Web3 landscape.