
Crypto community raising ETH to evacuate civilians from Gaza

Crypto community rallies together to raise Ethereum (ETH) for an urgent cause – evacuating civilians from Gaza. Spearheaded by Kat, a member of the Ethereum community, the campaign called ETH Evacuations has garnered over $55,000 in just 24 hours. The funds raised will be used to help local families in Gaza escape the conflict and find safety.

The campaign gained momentum as the crypto community actively spread awareness and contributed to the cause. Kat, who has previously been involved in charitable initiatives, initiated the campaign after witnessing the dire situation during her visit to the troubled region in June 2023.

It costs approximately 1.5 ETH (around $5,000) for an adult and 0.5 ETH (around $2,000) for a child to safely cross the border between Gaza and Egypt via the Rafah crossing. These costs include the required “coordination fees” imposed on individuals crossing through this route. The campaign aims to cover these expenses and ensure the safe evacuation of as many families as possible.

The campaign has already successfully helped evacuate two families from Gaza, providing them with an opportunity to escape the violence and turmoil. In addition to monetary donations, several NFT artists have also pledged their support by listing their collections to raise funds. One artist has launched the EVAC open edition project on Coinbase’s base network, while another artist has released three NFTs and pledged to match the proceeds generated.

The campaign’s reach extends beyond the Ethereum community, as donations have been received in various cryptocurrencies. This multi-currency support highlights the solidarity and collective efforts of the crypto community in times of crisis.

With a total of over $100,000 raised in ETH and other cryptocurrencies, the campaign continues to make a significant impact. The transparency offered by blockchain technology has proven crucial in ensuring donors’ trust, especially in the face of fraudulent charitable activities.

By leveraging the power of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the crypto community is making a real difference in the lives of civilians affected by the conflict in Gaza.