
Cryptotechnology and Cryptocurrencies in Future Military Conflicts

A consultant to the U.S. military, a MIT researcher on digital applications for national defense, is confident: future military conflicts will be resolved with the help of cryptotechnology.

Jason Lowery said cryptocurrencies, and especially bitcoin, represent “a national strategic imperative that the U.S. must support and embrace as soon as possible or risk losing its leadership as a global superpower.”

Drawing on scientific concepts from evolution, biology, anthropology, political science, and computer theory, it can be stated:

new technologies, particularly those related to crypto-mining, especially proof-of-work, are having a huge impact on how people organize, cooperate, and compete on a global scale.

This will allow technologically advanced countries to project brute force into, out of, and through cryptospace,” Jason Lowry said.

According to the military consultant, the Proof of Work consensus offers a new method of conflict management. Instead of bombs, opponents can use hashrate.

And instead of fighting, mining bitcoins. Nations that build their infrastructure on BTC will protect the country on several levels.

First, blockchain will provide better protection against cyberattacks. Second, nations will compete not for territories, but for digital money – hashrate. And depend on the same system at the same time.

Cryptospace already plays a significant role in conflicts, and that role will only intensify in the future, the MIT researcher believes.

The expert believes that countries with more bitcoins in reserve are likely to remain at the top of the ladder of power, while countries with fewer VTCs will have a harder time establishing dominance and leaving a mark on history.

The direction the U.S. government has been taking over the past few months in trying to permanently eliminate bitcoin and digital currencies from the financial landscape leaves the nation vulnerable to a string of potential detractors, laments an Army consultant.

Lowry recommends that U.S. federal authorities change their perspective and adopt bitcoin as the nation’s currency.

Earlier, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero said cryptoassets should lose their anonymity because they can be used to cyberattack critical infrastructure