
Everyone at Consensus 2024 Is Talking About Biden’s Crypto Flip Flop. Is He for Real?

But in just a few weeks, there has been a significant shift in the stance towards crypto. The bipartisan effort to repeal the SEC’s accounting bulletin and the Biden administration’s outreach to crypto firms have raised hopes for a brighter future for the industry. This sentiment has been echoed at Consensus 2024, where NYSE President Lynn Martin expressed her belief that crypto will no longer be a partisan issue. However, not everyone shares this optimism. Some, like a prominent crypto lawyer, believe that Biden’s apparent change of heart is not genuine and he may revert to his previous stance if reelected. Others, like Columbia University business lecturer Austin Campbell, argue that the change in Congress may not be permanent and that younger members who are more familiar with crypto may hold more influence in the future. The recent political developments were also debated on the Consensus stage by Messari founder Ryan Selkis and Uniswap Labs chief lawyer Marvin Ammori. Selkis suggested that Democrats’ newfound support for crypto should be treated with suspicion, while Ammori emphasized the importance of not aligning crypto too closely with any one political party or candidate. Ultimately, the crypto community remains cautious and skeptical about the true intentions of politicians.