
Hybrid Announces Its New Strategic Collaboration with Tilted

Hybrid, an innovative blockchain platform compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine, has recently announced a strategic collaboration with Tilted, a marketplace and liquidity pool for in-game assets built on the Binance Smart Chain. This exclusive partnership aims to enhance liquidity provision within the ecosystem, and Hybrid took to their official account to share the details of this exciting venture.

The company highlighted that Tilted is an incubated project by Binance Labs, which adds credibility to their objectives. Tilted aims to establish itself as the leading liquidity pool and market maker for digital assets in the Web2 sector. By tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs) and implementing RWA non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Tilted ensures secure ownership and trading of game assets.

Hybrid emphasized the potential impact of this collaboration, highlighting the shared goals of both entities. By working together, Hybrid and Tilted aim to meet the evolving needs of users and advance the tech sector. Tilted’s commitment to secure asset ownership and game skin trading aligns with Hybrid’s vision for a revolutionary web2-based digital asset environment.

This strategic partnership between Hybrid and Tilted sets the stage for an exciting journey ahead, as they strive to provide enhanced services and experiences to their users. By combining their expertise and resources, they aim to reshape the landscape of liquidity provision in the digital asset space and offer secure ownership to their clients.