
Internet Computer Launches ckUSDC Sepolia, an ICP Copy of USDC in ckERC20 Token Standard

Internet Computer, a blockchain platform developed by the DFINITY Foundation, has launched a copy of the USDC stablecoin called ckUSDC Sepolia. This version of USDC is based on the ckERC20 token standard and is available for testing on the Internet Computer mainnet.

Users can obtain Sepolia ETH and Sepolia USDC from various online faucets, and then deposit them to mint ckETH and ckUSDC tokens, respectively. While ckETH is not required to deposit USDC, it is necessary to withdraw ckUSDC and receive USDC back. The project is still in development, so users may encounter bugs and the canister’s state may reset upon upgrades.

Developers interested in supporting conversions between ERC20 tokens and ck-twin tokens in their decentralized applications (dApps) are encouraged to start experimenting with ckUSDC. However, there is currently no user-friendly front-end available, so users should be comfortable using dfx calls.

In addition to launching ckUSDC Sepolia, DFINITY aims to directly integrate the Bitcoin network with the Internet Computer, allowing for the application of smart contracts to Bitcoin through Chain Key cryptography.