
IOTA’s Integration with LayerZero EVM Boosts Interoperability Across Blockchain Networks

IOTA has achieved enhanced interoperability across blockchain networks through its integration with LayerZero’s cross-chain messaging protocol on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This integration allows for seamless communication and asset transfers across more than 50 distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). By bridging its ecosystem with the broader blockchain community, IOTA is creating a developer-centric environment and fostering cross-chain collaboration. The LayerZero V2 protocol enables developers to create omnichain applications and interact with various DLTs, utilizing the OFT and ONFT standards. This integration supports IOTA’s position as a hub for cutting-edge decentralized applications (dApps) and DeFi solutions, opening up new growth opportunities in the blockchain ecosystem. The upcoming launch of the IOTA EVM in June further solidifies IOTA’s commitment to innovation and security, as demonstrated by its collaboration with the security auditing firm, Zokyo, to ensure the integrity of IOTA Smart Contracts. Overall, this integration strengthens IOTA’s technological capabilities and contributes to the advancement of a more interconnected and interoperable Web3 landscape.