
Leading ‘move and earn’ platform STEPN unveils new app, gaming token

Leading ‘move and earn’ platform STEPN has announced the launch of a new app called STEPN GO. This innovative app aims to turn everyday movements like walking, jogging, and running into rewarding experiences for users. By using STEPN GO, users can earn a currency called the GO Gaming Token (GGT) for their physical activities. The app also introduces player versus player (PvP) challenges, where users can earn another currency called the GMT.

The STEPN app, which was launched in 2021, has already gained significant popularity in the emerging ‘Move and Earn’ sector of web3 fitness apps. With over 5.6 million users and more than 1 million Sneaker NFTs, STEPN GO is set to take this concept to new heights.

In response to user feedback, STEPN GO includes several community-suggested enhancements. One notable addition is the “Haus System,” which allows users to lend their Sneaker NFTs to friends and family so they can also benefit from earnings. Another new feature is the ‘Interactive Map,’ which promotes user interaction by facilitating connections between players for adding friends and exchanging messages during app activities.

The Alpha Version of STEPN GO is scheduled to debut in the third quarter of 2024. During the launch period, there will be a Sneaker NFT Alpha Prize Draw, where 3,000 digital sneakers will be given out to individuals who pledge their GMT tokens. Only FSL ID holders are eligible to participate in this event.

Jerry Huang, a Co-Founder of FSL, highlighted the user-friendly nature of STEPN GO, stating that the app aims to make the web3 space accessible to novices without the challenges of wallet setups or initial NFT purchases. With these exciting developments, STEPN GO is set to revolutionize the fitness app industry by making the pursuit of fitness enjoyable and rewarding for users.